
The key to our service is understanding the needs of each new couples, deep knowledge in Chinese rituals and years of experiences in handling traditional Chinese wedding. This ensure each wedding run smoothly and each new couples can spend times with family and friends on their special day.





Auspicious date selection (擇日)

Date Selection is an integral part of Chinese Metaphysics. It identifies a good date and good time that suitable for certain activity, and ensures that the selected date and time resonates with one’s birth chart i.e. doing the right thing at the right time. Chinese believes that getting married on an auspicious date will lead to a happy and harmonious marriage that last a lifetime.




Wedding gifts presentation (過大禮)

The groom’s family picks a good day and send the bride’s family wedding gifts. The traditional purpose is to show the sincerity of the groom’s family and a promise to take good care of the bride. The bride’s parents will return some gifts to the groom’s family as a gesture of goodwill. This is a formal occasion where the two families officially acknowledge the marriage and give their blessing.





Bridal bed setting (安床禮)

The bridal bed is usually prepared the night before the wedding day or it can be according to feng shui beliefs. The bed where the new couple is going to sleep should be set properly because a proper bed setting symbolizes fortune or abundance, an idyllic marriage, and many offspring. It can also mean good health and great marriage for the couple.




Hair dressing ceremony (上頭禮)

The hair dressing ceremony is a tradition that is widely performed. It represents the bride and groom’s transitions from girl and boy to woman and man. And the practice differs for this simple ceremony. The bride and groom should discuss with both side of parents on the details and come to an agreement.


「一梳梳到尾;二梳梳到白髮齊眉……」上頭儀式對新人來說是個「成人禮」, 象徵著新人已長大成人,要負起繁衍子孫,興旺家族的責任。在父母、長輩見證下,祝願他們同偕白首,同時讓子女回想父母養育之恩。



Wedding Day (大婚禮儀)

The big day starts with the groom journey to the bride’s family home to fetch her back to his place, with special events continuing throughout the day.

Equivalent to the Western solemnization ceremony, the tea ceremony is the most significant event in a modern Chinese wedding. It is where the new couple will be formally introduced to everyone and accepted into the other half’s families. The rules and sequences governing the tea ceremony are complicated and differs among dialect groups, e.g. when to serve tea, the order of service and to kneel or to bow.






Personalised Services

If you are looking for flexibility and personalized services, we are happy to assist and suit your needs. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Congratulations to the bride and groom on their happy union.


